The Philippine Tariff Finder (PTF) is an online frontline service developed by the Tariff Commission (TC) to provide quick and accurate information on Philippine tariff rates. Launched in 2013 in celebration of TC’s 60th anniversary year, the PTF has since become an invaluable tool for students, traders, brokers, customs officers, and other government agencies.
In 2015, the facility was upgraded. The database was expanded to include (i) Rules of Origin (ROO) under the different Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) that the Philippines is a party to and (ii) applicable tariff rates pursuant to reciprocity arrangements under several FTAs. Multi-search options were also developed to facilitate comparative analysis.
Ten years after its launch and on TC’s 70th anniversary year, the PTF was upgraded to further accommodate the increasing number of the Philippines' trade agreements and meet the demands of its growing user base. With improved data-handling and display functionalities combined with robust search capabilities, PTF version 2.0 is a more modernized and powerful facility whose user-friendly interface allows users to quickly and accurately identify applicable tariff rates for specific products. New functions and features also allow users to search by country, providing them with more options to compare tariff rates.
The continuing improvements to the PTF are intended to reduce information search costs and assist domestic industries in attaining sustainable global competitiveness by equipping them with pertinent information as well as to empower importers, exporters and other trade professionals to make well-informed decisions. The facility’s multi-year and comprehensive tariff schedules likewise support policy transparency for forward planning and predictability in the regulatory environment facilitating trade.
Housing all tariff schedules of the Philippines, the PTF enables users to find Philippine tariff rates on specific products by typing in keywords or Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) Codes. With PTF 2.0, users can now search for applicable Philippine tariff rates per country. The PTF database also provides the ROO for each FTA as well as applicable reciprocal tariff rates under the ASEAN-China FTA and ASEAN-Korea FTA.
The PTF has been updated pursuant to Executive Order No. 62 (s. 2024). It carries the Philippines’ Most Favoured Nation (MFN) and FTA tariff schedules from 2022 to 2028, in AHTN 2022.
Available free of charge and requiring only an internet connection, the facility now carries the following thirteen (13) Philippine tariff schedules:
- Most Favoured Nation (MFN)
- ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA)
- ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)
- ASEAN-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA)
- ASEAN-India Free Trade Area (AIFTA)
- ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (AJCEPA)
- ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area (AKFTA)
- ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)
- Philippines-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (PJEPA)
- Philippines-European Free Trade Association Free Trade Agreement (PH-EFTA FTA) (3 Tariff Schedules)
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement
An overview of each Philippine tariff schedule can be found on the Tariff Schedules tab, while The AHTN tab gives an overview of the commodity nomenclature used by the Philippines and the nine other Member States of the ASEAN. The Rules of Origin tab links to a TC Primer on the criteria for determining the country of origin of a product. For basic information on the tariff classification of goods, users can refer to the E-Manual on Classification tab. The different acronyms and abbreviations which appear in the tariff schedules, and their meanings, are catalogued in the Acronyms tab for easy reference. This tab also compiles the footnotes appearing in the schedules. The AHTN 2022 Tariff Book tab shows the latest tariff nomenclature implemented by the Philippines (AHTN Codes and product descriptions). For a step-by-step instruction on how to use the PTF, please click here.
TC is proud of the PTF's evolution from a mere capstone project of then Commissioner Marilou P. Mendoza to an invaluable online frontline service of the organization. The PTF was included in the Statement of President Benigno S. Aquino III for the 23rd ASEAN Summit. The PTF has also been acknowledged as an innovative system, receiving recognition as a finalist in the Government Best Practice Recognition (GBPR) 2019 of the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). The DAP GBPR seeks to recognize successful and validated practices demonstrated by public sector organizations as well as provides a platform to showcase and promote best practices as a response to the rising call for public sector organizations to further enhance the quality of service delivery.
The initial version of the PTF was developed in partnership with the Information and Communications Technology Office – National Computer Center of the Department of Science and Technology. The 2015 upgrade was supported by the Bureau of Customs and the United States Agency for International Development. The PTF logo was designed by Engineer Kenneth C. Leonardo of TC.
For complete and authoritative information on the tariff classification of commodities and their applicable rates of duty under the various tariff schedules of the Philippines, users can get in touch with the Commodities Studies Division through telephone number (02) 8926-8731; Viber number 0949-118-3891, or email addresses [email protected] and [email protected].
TC also welcomes feedback to help improve the usefulness of the facility. Feedback can be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected].